stress vector meaning in Chinese
- Then a dynamic visualization software - - afterdraw , which aims at 2d elastic - plastic fem , is programmed . afterdraw is capable of drawing the deformation figures of material , the regions of plasticity and the regions of tension distributing figures , primary stress vector figures and primary strain vector figures . besides , atterdraw could realistically dynamically simulate the deformation of the whole process of construction
在此基础上,研究了针对二维弹塑性有限元的动态可视化后处理软件afterdraw , afterdraw能够绘制基坑工程各步施工的结构变形图、塑性区和受拉破坏区分布图、主应力矢量图和位移矢量图, afterdraw还能够逼真地动念模拟基坑工程整个施工过程变形情况。